Sponsorships — Sexpert Consultants

Our retail store will be temporarily closed to new orders through December 31, 2024 to deliver an improved online shopping experience in 2025. In the meantime, be sure to check out our classes and workshops!

We are fundraising for the 2025 Sexology Summit! Our target audience includes sexuality educators, influencers, bloggers, retailers, content creators, policy makers, sexual medicine professionals, speech language professionals, and media.

3 Ways To Support the Future of the Sexology Summit:

1. Make a Donation via GoFundMe.

Donate to our GoFundMe campaign to help cover the expenses for the 2025 Sexology Summit in Washington, DC.

2. Secure Your Participation via ifundwomen.

Secure your participation as a speaker, sponsor or VIP at the 2025 Sexology Summit by making a donation to our iFundWomen Campaign.

3. Attend a Fundraiser.

Stay tuned for more information about our virtual Valley Rallies and our in-person Peak Week fundraising events. These events will be ticketed and will give past and present Summit stakeholders an opportunity to network, share stories and highlight the impact from our past Summit as we make plans for the future.